book review

Book Reviews March Through August 2020

Book Review: Pain Free by Pete Egoscue (Affiliate link)

I picked this book up on the recommendation of a colleague and I’ m glad I did. The author does an excellent job of explaining why are feeling pain in your body and then shows you simple stretches you can do daily to relieve the pain. Not only did this book help me understand the source of chronic pain I’ve dealt with, but it also freed me of that pain, through the stretches. I’ve noticed an overall improvement in my health since using this book and I highly recommend it.

Book Review: Six Ways by Aidan Wachter (Affiliate link)

This book is packed with exercise and concepts that will keep you busy. I would highly recommend it for anyone starting or with some experience who wants to challenge what they know to discover what they can learn. Aidan draws from a variety of perspectives and his experiences and makes the work approachable for his readers. Don't just read this book. Work the exercises and practices and you'll see your magical practice transform.

Book Review: Egregores By Mark Stavish (Affiliate link)

This is more of an academic treatise on egregores than anything else, but the author presents an interesting take on the subject and explores examples of different egregores and how those egregores can effect the people that work with them, for better or worse. He also presents ways to break the connection with an egregore. It’s a good book on the topic and worth giving a read to better understand the nature of egregores.

Book Review: How to Meet and Work with Spirit Guides by Ted Andrews (Affiliate Link)

This was the first book I ever read on magic. I recently re-read this book and even reading it many years later, a lot of the material ages well. Some of it would now be considered culturally appropriative, but overall the material is solid and the techniques and practices work. If you’re wanting an introduction to the spirit world this is a good book to read.

Book Review: Endless Ideas by Sean Platt and Neeve Silver (affiliate link)

If you feel creatively stumped for ideas, this book is a must read. While most of the practices they describe in the book are ones I already do, I can vouch for the fact that they work because I have a ton of creative ideas. What’s nice is that while this book is focused on generating ideas for writing, you can apply the concepts and techniques to any discipline and get similar results.

Book Review: Opening the Energy Gates of your Body by Bruce Frantzis (affiliate link)

This is an excellent book to read with easy to follow exercises that can help you start learning qi gong. The author does a great job of breaking down the actions you need to take, along with example diagrams and pictures. It’s a good supplement to in person or video training and what it really teaches you is how to cultivate the qi in your body. I have done these practices and benefited greatly from them.

Book Review: Living Spirits by BJ Swain (Affiliate link)

This is a comprehensive exploration of Western occult magic practices with spirits. The author does a good job laying out how various western practices work and its clear he’s researched the subject extensively (as well as done the practices). I like the analyses he provides in the appendices and found the book to overall be thought provoking. Even when I didn’t agree with the author, I really respected the way he presented the material and how accessible he made it. If you want to understand Western spirit work practices this is a great book to pick up.

Book Reviews April 2019 - June 2019

Book Reviews: Dreaming yourself awake by B. Alan Wallace

This is a good book about lucid dreaming. In it the author explains how to achieve lucid dreaming states and provides exercises people can do to achieve those states. What he shares is consistent with my own experiences of lucid dreaming, so if you want to experience lucid dreaming pick this book up.

Book Review: Dragon and Tiger Medical Qigong Vol 1. by Bruce Frantzis

This is an excellent book which provides a simple set of Qigong exercises that you can learn, with easy instructions and illustrations provided. I started learning these practices and noticed an improvement in my internal energy, health, and overall sense of well-being. I do them each day at the start of the day and they set the tone of the day. I highly recommend if you want to start learning qigong and implementing it in your life.

Review of Green Hermeticism: Alchemy and Ecology

I found this book to be more of an intellectual/theoretical approach to Hermeticism and the green/environmental aspects of it, as opposed to a practical manual that offered thoughts on how to blend sustainability with hermetic practices. In reading most of this book and the essays in it, I'm left with the thought that it seems great that people came together and discussed these ideas, but I'm unsure what the practical implications of that discussion boil down to in terms of integrating a set of magical practices/beliefs into responsible environmental practices and policies. There were some interesting sections. I enjoyed the section on using mushrooms as a way of remediating pollutants, as well as enjoying the last chapter on the manufacturing of planetary tinctures. But I'm still left overall with a sense that while this book attempts to reveal relevant and important concepts, it gets bogged down in the academic inclination of over intellecualizing what's being discussed. In reading this book, I can't say that the connection between alchemy and ecology has been amply demonstrated. I'm also unsure as to how the authors propose to wed alchemy to ecology in a manner that is green and promotes sustainability.

2 out of 5