Social Media Sigil Technique

Picture courtesy of Pexels

Picture courtesy of Pexels

In my recent interview with Soviet Mercedes, one of the topics we ended up talking about was a social media sigil technique based off using hashtags. Soviet Mercedes inspired this idea for me, because of how she uses hashtags on her FB posts, especially one in particular: #meetmeatthebank. I’ve recently started adding this hashtag to my daily gratitude posts as well as any other posts oriented around wealth magic.

This particular hashtag embodies the concept of wealth magic, because the bank, in one form or another, is where your wealth goes. Whether it’s a physical bank, or a metaphorical one or the bank of your body and the health you have, to meet at the bank is to also meet in the place of your wealth. It’s also where you show your receipts, because those receipts validate what you bring to the bank and what in turn the bank provides you. Note: This is my interpretation of #Meetmeatthebank and not necessarily how Soviet Mercedes would define it.

I decided to start using #meetmeathebank because I like how Soviet Mercedes uses it. The usage of it, as a way of calling out specific topics and concepts appealed to me from a magical perspective because of how you could associate a specific meaning and/or working with the hashtag and use the hashtag to spread that meaning to other people reading posts and/or using the tag themselves. My use of the aforementioned tag has been done, partially out of respect for Soviet Mercedes and her message, and partially because I think its a potent wealth magic working. To meet at the bank is to celebrate and also amplify one’s wealth. Every time I use that hashtag I am evoking the wealth magic stored in that hashtag.

This same approach could be applied to other hashtags. You could deliberately come up with a specific hashtag that represents a specific result you want to manifest, and then start using it with your posts. If other people use it, the viral component of the hashtag is unleashed to spread the meaning and magic embedded in the hashtag. Of course, the way other people use that hashtag may also influence and effect the sigil, because they are bringing their own meanings into the sigil, but you could also build in specific filters so that your original meaning/working isn’t tampered with, even as other people use the hashtag.

This is also a good example of how technology can be co-opted into a magical working. Hashtags are used in social media in order to connect content together and show that there is a relationship between that content. If I click on a given hashtag, on a social media site, I am to see other posts by other users who are using that hashtag. The hashtag serves to create a network that is oriented around the manifestation of a specific result and/or concept. As such, a social media sigil working could be used as a group working wherein the initial members of the group set up the sigil and fire it. As other people either comment on, like or share the content as well as use the hashtag for their own reasons, this spreads the magical working further, creating a path of least resistance for the manifestation of the result, because it becomes embedded in the language and consciousness of the people interacting with the hashtag.

I’ve only recently started using #meetmeatthebank with my gratitude and related wealth magic posts, but I’ve already noticed how simply starting the day out with gratitude brings some wealth to the bank for me and inspires my writing and other related activities that help me generate even further wealth, in its various forms, for me. The creative use of the hashtag is a conscious reminder of the results I’m seeking, and it becomes embedded in the audience that interacts with the posts that have that hashtag. You can apply a similar approach to the hashtags you use in various mediums as a way of spreading a viral meme around the desired result you want to turn into reality.