
Social Media Sigil Technique

In my recent interview with Soviet Mercedes, one of the topics we ended up talking about was a social media sigil technique based off using hashtags. Soviet Mercedes inspired this idea for me, because of how she uses hashtags on her FB posts, especially one in particular: #meetmeatthebank. I’ve recently started adding this hashtag to my daily gratitude posts as well as any other posts oriented around wealth magic.

This particular hashtag embodies the concept of wealth magic, because the bank, in one form or another, is where your wealth goes. Whether it’s a physical bank, or a metaphorical one or the bank of your body and the health you have, to meet at the bank is to also meet in the place of your wealth. It’s also where you show your receipts, because those receipts validate what you bring to the bank and what in turn the bank provides you. Note: This is my interpretation of #Meetmeatthebank and not necessarily how Soviet Mercedes would define it.