Cobra Kai

Pop culture magic and wintering

I am finally coming out of my wintering. Its been a year long process, but in the last few weeks I’ve felt something within me switch. While there is still grief over recent life changes, I felt like the winter snow and ice is melting and the seeds of Spring are beginning to sprout, with the promise of possibilities turning into realities. Still in order to even get to that place, I had to go through the experience of wintering. This proved to be a transformative experience and one of the allies I drew on what Johnny Lawrence from Cobra Kai.

At the beginning of Cobra Kai, Johnny is going through a wintering experience of his own. He’s washed up, just going through the motions, and he has to embark on a hero’s journey to discover himself, but also to help his students. Of course, as with any such journey, Johnny inevitably encounters his share of troubles some of which are created by his own actions. A lot of the times Johnny trips himself up and I could relate to that, because I’ve done the same. It was easy, as a result, to work with him during my own wintering experience.