how to apply mundane actions to magic

Why I integrate the mundane into the magical

I was recently asked by a reader why I emphasize integrating mundane actions into magical work, especially when no one else really seems to write about it. Doesn’t taking mundane actions defeat the point of doing magical work? Why should we marry the mundane to the magical, if magic is supposed to allow us to pull off the impossible.

I can’t speak for why other writers mostly ignore integrating the mundane into their magical work. I can tell you why I do it and write about it. I’m a very practical person in every aspect of my life, and that includes the spiritual work I do. But I also don’t really separate the mundane from the magical. The mundane actions I take are part of the magical work I do. Making a distinction between specific actions and categorizing those actions as magical or mundane ignores something pivotal to life itself: How we live our lives is informed by how we define our lives.

Do I define my life as compartmentalized sections? Or do I define my life by how I truly want to live it…a magical life where every choice and action is magical?