walking with spirits

Why build a relationship with spirits

Recently a friend asked me what the point is around building a relationship with spirits. I think the relationship with spirits is much like any other relationship, where there is a give and take and benefits all around, but you have to be open to the relationship and what it can offer. For more of my thoughts on this watch the video.

The benefits spirits get from working with us

When you work with spirits you get the benefit of their knowledge and expertise and their help with manifesting results. You might also develop an ongoing relationship with the spirit. But what do spirits get out of the relationships with us? What are the benefits they receive? I share my thoughts on this topic in the video below.

If you want to learn more about working with spirits, check out my book Walking with Spirits

Magical Experiments Podcast: Spirit Relationships with Bill Duvendack

Bill Duvendack and I discuss how to build relationships with spirits and discuss the commodification of magic and why its important to create the right type of connection with spirits.

To learn more about Bill visit: http://www.418ascendant.com or subscribe to his youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfP7dWvhhyvGo0Aa2PLAnXA

Learn how magic works: https://magical-experiments.teachable.com/p/home

Get free E-books at http://www.magicalexperiments.com/free-books

Become my patron: https://www.patreon.com/TaylorEllwood?fan_landing=true

Walking with Magical Entities is available for pre-order


Walking with Magical Entities Now Available for Pre-order!

Learn how to Create and Work with servitors, egregores, and thought forms to get consistent results.

In Walking with Magical Entities, I share my streamlined approach for creating and working with magical entities that enables you to get consistent results. I’ll show you how to design and launch entities in three phases, and how to work with them to get better results that transform your life.

Creating magical entities doesn’t have to be a complicated operation. All you need is a simple, but effective guide for determining how your entity will work and how it will get you results. This book is that guide, and in it you’ll learn the following:

  • What magical entities are and why we have a symbiotic relationship with them.

  • How to define and create your entity using the desired result as your starting point.

  • How to program the entity with the right fuel source, actions, and abilities so it can accomplish your result.

  • How to troubleshoot and revise your entity if it isn’t producing the results you want.

  • How to develop an effective relationship with your entity, where you get better results and enhance the overall quality of your life.

  • Case studies and examples of created entities with commentary on why I created them and what worked and didn’t work.

A magical entity can be one of the most powerful magical tools available to you. Learn how to create and work with magical entities, so you can get consistent results that transform your life.