how to work with spirits

The rules of Spirit Summoning

Photo by Farzad Sedaghat:

Lately I’ve been reading books on how to work with Daimonic spirits, as research for my next book in the walking with spirit series. One of the subjects I find fascinating about the books is the rules that the authors provide for summoning spirits. From what I can tell most of these rules are arbitrary rules, personalized to the theories and ideas that writers come up with as a way of explaining how to safely call forth the spirits. While there is some consistency in regards to utilizing angels to help in the process of summoning the spirit, the process itself seems to vary from purely psychological and symbolic workings to elaborate ceremonial and ritual magic.

The question that arises in my mind is how much any of these rules are essential and how much of them are arbitrary, based on cultural and religious assumptions and modalities that create a narrow and limited perspective of what it means to work with a spirit. When we step outside the Western informed framework of spirit work what is discovered is a multiplicity of perspectives on working with spirits, all of which provide valuable insights and perspectives about how to work with spirits without necessarily employing everything that is brought into play with the Western model of spirit work.

One of the assumptions that we ought to question carefully is what we believe about spirits versus what we know about them versus what we are told about them. Take a piece of paper and write down what you believe, what you know, and what you have been told. Where did each of these perspectives come from in your life? What informs your beliefs, the facts, and your experiences?

And here’s another perspective to consider? What did your ancestors believe about spirits? You may be able to ask your parents or grandparents directly, but go back further. What did your ancestors a century, or two centuries or further back think or believe about spirits?

How to recognize Humanocentric limitations in our spiritual work

The other day, in the magical experiments Facebook group, a really good question was asked about what people consider a deity to be, versus what a spirit being is. One of the respondents noted that non-physical entities really don’t care about labels attached to them, and that the labels are mainly used for the convenience of humans, as a way of providing context and categorization for them. when working with spirits. The person went on to note that such categorizations are subjective. I agreed with the person’s response to the question, because in a very real sense the categorizations that occur with spirits are rooted in a humanocentric perspective.

A humanocentric perspective is a perspective rooted in the human experience. It brings with it set expectations around how spirits are encountered and worked with. For example, one such expectation is the expectation that a spirit will appear before a person in a form that makes sense to the person and speak in a language that the person understands. Such an expectation is based around the human need to control and label the experiences we have as much as possible.

Spirit relationships and the magic of writing with Stephanie Connolly

In this interview Stephanie and I discuss how spirit relationships based on respect and how to work with spirits. We also discuss writing about magic and what goes into writing a book, and how books speak to us.

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Magical Experiments Podcast: Spirit Relationships with Bill Duvendack

Bill Duvendack and I discuss how to build relationships with spirits and discuss the commodification of magic and why its important to create the right type of connection with spirits.

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How to deal with Hostile Spirits

Not all spirits have your best interests at heart. Sometimes you’ll encounter hostile spirits and in such a situation you need to figure out what to do about the hostile spirit, because if you don’t do anything, it’s going to make your life miserable. So how do you handle a hostile spirit?

Let’s first consider the reasons a spirit might be hostile. The first reason could be because the spirit is inimical to life. It’s function is about destruction and breaking things down and you happen to be in the way. It’s nothing personal. It just doesn’t want anything to do with you and you happen to be in the way of its function.

Walking with Spirits is available for Pre-order


Walking with Spirits is available for pre-order!

In Walking with Spirits, I share my process for connecting and working with spirits that enables you to get consistent results, while building collaborative relationships with the spirits you work with.

Working with spirits doesn’t have to involve the coercion of spirits that you find in conventional approaches to spirit work. What I share is an alternative approach that enables you to develop a friendly relationship with the spirits you work with and allows you to get results. Instead of trying to force a spirit to do something for you, you’ll learn the following:

  • How to create a rapport with spirits that allows you to become allies.

  • Why a co-equal relationship with spirits is better than any other type of relationship you could form.

  • What the problems are with conventional Western spirit work techniques such as what you find in the grimoires.

  • How to use experiential embodiment to connect with spirits.

  • How to use a simplified approach to invocation and evocation that allows you to work with spirits and get results.

If you’re ready to learn a different approach to working with spirits, where you don’t create enemies, and instead have life long relationships where you and the spirits from working with each other, Walking with Spirits will show you a different path for working with spirits that gets you results.

How I worked with 3 spirits to help me get back to health

3 weeks ago I got sick with a fever and although I broke that fever, shortly after I came down with a cold. I normally recover from sickness fast, because I have a specific regime of activities I do which include Dragon and Tiger Medical Qi Gong, as well as Reiki, and mundane resources such as medicine, and expelling everything that needs to get out. But this time around, perhaps because I’m in peak season at work, nothing was really working, or rather it was mitigating the symptoms, but not resolving the illness. On Wednesday night of last week I decided it was time to draw upon some additional help.

I first started by invoking the Daemons Verrier and Verrine. I first learned about these spirits from S. Connolly’s The complete book of demonolatry (affiliate link), and I’ve worked with them a few times, for health magic, both in regards to myself and other people. I asked them if they could help me get to the source of the illness and heal and expunge it from my body and they agreed. Shortly after I started coughing a lot more, but this was good because it allowed me to clear out the infectious mucus that had been stuck in my respiratory system.