long term magic

Why I do magic when life is good

I share why it’s useful to do magic when life is good to continue to build off what is working in your life and why a strategic approach to magical workings can help you achieve long term success and happiness with your magic.

Learn more about strategic magic: https://magical-experiments.teachable.com/p/strategic-magic/

Get free e-books: http://www.magicalexperiments.com/free-books

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Two examples of pop culture spirits I'm working with

I’m currently engaged in three pop culture magic workings. I’m going to share two of those workings now, because it’s a good example of how working with two different pop cultures can be effective, under the right circumstances. The two workings are focused on the same goal. Each working is an evocation of a pop culture spirit that’s been chosen for strategic purposes. The pop culture spirits I’m working with are Grand Admiral Thrawn from Star Wars and Sam Bridges Porter from Death Stranding.

I’m working with Grand Admiral Thrawn because of his strategic genius and his ability to apply unconventional thinking toward solving situations. Thrawn has an appreciation of art, and uses the study of art to understand other cultures and the way those cultures behave. Thrawn also puts his community first. He doesn’t act from selfish ambition, but rather from a focus on trying to figure out how best to serve his community and put the community welfare first.

How to create long term magical enchantments that enhance your life

The majority of my practical magical workings are long term enchantments or entities I’ve created for the purpose of enhancing my quality of life. Now what does that really mean?

I find that when people talk about practical magical workings, they typically speak of one off workings that are used to resolve a short term problem. Magic is performed to get the desired result, the result is achieved, and off the person wanders into their lives until the next crisis comes along that calls for magical work to be done. Magic is done as a reaction, with little thought given toward long term consequences or design. I’ve never found that approach to practical magic to be terribly effective, because the focus is on reacting to a problem, without really examining what causes the problem, or trying to solve the problem long term.