magic by design

What do you need to design a magical working?

One of the questions I get asked is what does a person need, in order to be able to design their own magical working. It’s a good question to ask, because designing a magical working does have some requirements, which can make a difference in developing an effective magical working or system of magic that gets results. However the usual suspects of magical tools, spells, etc., that people think they need in order to design a magical working or a system aren’t necessarily what you need.

How to create long term magical enchantments that enhance your life

The majority of my practical magical workings are long term enchantments or entities I’ve created for the purpose of enhancing my quality of life. Now what does that really mean?

I find that when people talk about practical magical workings, they typically speak of one off workings that are used to resolve a short term problem. Magic is performed to get the desired result, the result is achieved, and off the person wanders into their lives until the next crisis comes along that calls for magical work to be done. Magic is done as a reaction, with little thought given toward long term consequences or design. I’ve never found that approach to practical magic to be terribly effective, because the focus is on reacting to a problem, without really examining what causes the problem, or trying to solve the problem long term.

Push, pull, and flow in magic

In my magical practice, I’ve lately been taking an approach that has incorporated elements of flow, push and pull in magic. Some of this has come about because of my continual work with Taoist moving meditation, and some of it has come about because of my shift toward experiential perspectives that have my embracing a sensual awareness of my spiritual work over a conceptual one.

In a sense, what my magical practice has been shifting toward is a harmonious model of alignment with the universe that works with the universe as opposed to trying to force a desired change on the universe. With all that in mind, I think its useful to define key terms in this approach so that what I’m doing can be more readily worked with and appreciated.